New To Using An Electric Bike? Follow These Tips
Have you noticed more people riding electric bikes around town? These types of bikes are becoming more popular due to being eco-friendly and convenient. However, riding an electric bike is not exactly the same as a regular bike. You'll want to know the following tips to get started.
Learn The Controls
There are going to be some new features on an electric bike that you are unfamiliar with. There is a power assist, throttle, and brake system that are going to be a bit new to you. Take your time to read the instructions and understand how these new controls work.
Start With Low Power Settings
As tempting as it may be to see how fast an electric bike can go, you'll want to start out with the lower power settings. Get a feel for how the electric bike handles with just peddling, since there will be some added weight when compared to a normal bike. Then use the lowest power setting and learn to become comfortable with it.
Remember To Charge The Battery
Long gone are the days of parking your bike in your garage until you need it again. You'll need to remember to charge the battery on the electric bike so that it is ready to go for your next ride. Your electric bike will have instructions for when to charge the battery, since it may be recommended to not let the battery completely drain.
Practice Braking
An electric bike is going to allow you to travel at a faster speed than if you were peddling on your own. This means that the stopping distance is going to be different than what you are used to while on a bike. It's a good idea to get familiar with what it is like to brake at high speeds so you know what kind of stopping distance you can expect. This can be done in the middle of an empty residential street or a parking lot. Just make sure you don't experiment with braking on the road for the first time with traffic around you.
Know The Rules Of The Road
Now that you are comfortable riding your electric bike, you'll likely be taking it further distances to new places. Make sure that you are familiar with the rules of the road for riding a bike in the street. This not only helps ensure your safety but is respectful to other vehicles you are riding next to.
For more information about electric bikes, contact a local dealer.